It's not the best, but it was expected.
This game it's really for more younger kids, that's thruth, but it's fun for everyone, and thats a problem, it's too easy, in the missions you don't have another way of the street, and that's annoying. Well for a game it's very important have a great multiplayer, and exactly this game it's not, you have a lot of minigames but everyone its poorxD
Gameplay: it's great, with the fact of shoot to the bugs, try to don't crush to the bikers, the slow camera, it's very complete, with a fun avaliable on every part of the game and a lot of actions to do, like polinize or realive sick flowers. In another part of the game the camera sometimes get crazy and it's basicly some stupid...
Graphics: its great too, with the desing of all the bugs and the places, the cars, the colmena, and all that. Really the graphics are sometimes dissapointing.
Sound: a really really superb sound, with the voice of jerry seinfield and the voice of the bugs, the shoots, the cars, and all that, its really cool...