I prefer the consoles, but this ends up as the rival for Spider-Man 3 on this platform.
. Voice dialouge, which rarely appears in DS Games
. The graphics are quite neat
. The characters are detailed well
. A big fat panda who slumbers to become a master
. Old fashioned 2D platforming, which goes back to the ages
. The audio is good
What I don't like:
. Some tedius combat moves
. No multiplayer
. You can't play as the furious five
. It's way too short
. Going back and fourth to solve a puzzle
. It doesn't really catch the movie spirit
. There arent any mini-games like "Juggle the baddie"
. Why can't there be a training ground to practice combat
. Not much furiosity for a fighting game...
Kung fu Panda has better level on higher platforms, but this is a decent game for a holiday, or if you want a panda to beat up some baffons neater and less challeging.
Spider-Man 3- 7.0