Kung Fu Panda is not the game you were expecting but is still entertaining.
You will have to fight through the village where your Panda lives, dueling with evil guys and throwing away their minions. I consider the game too short to be released and I suggest the developers of this one should have done better. I mean, it is not acceptable for a game to be introduced only with thirteen levels. Not for nowadays, at least.
Luckily, through these levels, Po is not your only choice. You can also take control of Po's master, Shifu, and also control the furious five. The games control and cameras are like most games taken by animated features(just like The Incredibles or Chicken Little). There is a progressive difficulty in the game, and the boss battles are common near the end of the game.
There is also an upgrading system you can use to make your fights easier to handle. Upgrading your health and your strength is not decisive but it helps the players facing difficulties playing the game(a rare situation to be in, I can say).
The multiplayer mode of the game does not support an online play, just with three other players, who you can engage unfortunately not in a battle, but in some shamefull minigames which you unlock during the story mode.
The graphics of the game is an absolute stunner. While the smoothly-running systems will make feel like it is real, the wise use of the camera by the developing crew is the best point of the game. The voice and dialogues of the game are also very good, completing an amazing exterior image.
Kung Fu Panda is indeed a lot of fun. But its extremely low difficulty and length are plaguing your overall experience over the game.