Great game for kids
It's aimed for kids and casual gamers or perhaps people who love pandas. The story line is very much a 'Disney' sort of product; with cute characters, bumbling plot line and of course, kung fu.
The controls are very easy to get to grips with, a 10 year old would have no problems figuring things out.
The game is rated 10+ probably due to the fact there are depictions of cartoon violence due to you being a kung fu master in the game, but the monsters just explode into sparks so the game is safe for an even younger crowd.
Even if you don't have young kids I recommend you pick this title up. It's fund and zany humour will keep anyone entertained for hours.
What is neat is the fact they get someone who sounds exactly like Jack Black to do the voice over for the bear, which really adds to the game I feel.
As you progress through the game, the levels do get harder; with many different aspects thrown in to change things up, so it's not a constant battle. Overall it's a easy game, no one will have too much difficulty.
It also has multi-player support for up to four people, which plays out as a sort of beat-each-other-up free for all.