Shrek forever after videogame review: Xbox 360.
Graphics/ Presentation
Visually Shrek forever after is good, however some textures are really bad to look at. The character models are barely above what a PS2 could do 9 years ago. The cutscenes look good, but because of the sub par visuals, they don't feel like they belong in the game.
Pretty similar to the movies, so pretty good i suppose.
voice acting
surprisingly ok. Shrek sounds like shrek. Donkey sounds like donkey, but with a deeper voice. Fiona sounds about right. Overall it's decent.
Characters control well. The games main attacks are very basic. A attacks, and B is a special move. Nothing is wrong with the controls, but they're your typical run of the mill button mash controls.
Incredibly simple. Makes you wonder why you need to get hints from the three blind mice :P
Shrek forever after is bearable. It's not so terrible you'll switch if off straight away, but it's not so compelling you'll not be able to put it down.
Overall i'd say it's worth a rent. Gamerscore junkies will be pleased with the achivevement unlock sign every 5-10 mins.