This game sucks!
User Rating: 6 | DreamWorks Shrek SuperSlam DS
Ok,this game isn't very cool at all,mainly because you aren't really given a lot of variety in characters,levels,or weapons.It's like a sad attempt to reinvent Super Smash Bros.With barely any items to pick up,you'll get bored,because you barely even get to use the touch screen in this game even for minigames.The challenges in this game are pretty much all the same,but I have no clue as to why.Something I really don't understand is if you select Shrek,you have his special move,when you press a combination of three buttons,but then he farts,which then dazes enemies.Yeah,real mature,guys.Now,for Activision to slap their logo on this,you'd hope that it would be at least good so this game doesn't discrace the Activision logo.I mean,Activision releases Guitar Hero games,this game is a discrace to Activision!I don't know many games as bad as this one,but if I had to name three,then these are probably way up there.
3.Shrek Superslam(are you really this lazy ass?)
2.Yo Noid!(NES)
I wish that nobody ever even thought of creating this game,because it's complete and utter bull crap!Well,that's it.This game sucks ass.I really hate this game,just whatever you do,don't buy this game.