Drill Dozer is a strange game.. But is still one of the better platformers of the last generation.
At first the whole concept seems a bit simplistic and you may be instantly annoyed at having to recollect any lost gears... but then it happens...
Something new is added just before you begin to lose interest, a different puzzle or obstacle that requires a new way of thinking is introduced and it is this causes the game to grow on you.
Suddenly you are replaying levels to find missed treasure, and when away from the game, find yourself humming the music of a favourite stage.
Having played this three years after its release it is also refreshing to find a platformer with a level of ingenuity similar to warioland and music that gets to you like early megaman titles. it would be fair to say that even the release of the ds and a multitude of flashy "next-gen" games, Drill Dozer successfully proved the cliche that graphics make not the game.