Mom: Oscar come get your dinner. Oscar: Just let me kill three more people, steal a truck, and blow up a police c
Oscar: Just 4 more minutes mom.
Mom: But I made your faverit. Peaches and gravy!
Oscar: Just let me kill three more people, steal a truck, and blow up a police car!
Does this sound like a normal conversation? Well, If your a DRIV3R fan then it should! I will give you three good resons that you should buy DRIV3R.
1. You can explore a very high detailed world that you can roam freely!
2.You can chose from over 30 vehicles, Including boats, motorcycles, and trucks!
3. You don't have to be confined in your car anymore. Now you can feel free to jump out of your car and steal any other vehicle that you want, and if you get tired of being on land jump in the oceon for a swim!
In conclusion, DRIV3R iz one of the games that you just can't stop playing, thats why I give it a "9.2"