Driv3r is awesome, as long as you dont get out the car and do any missions.

User Rating: 1 | DRIV3R PS2
*So The fine line between Hollywood and Videogames is getting thinner every day, for a great game you need everything on this check list....lets see....

A Decent Story?.....check
Great Landscapes?....Check
Great Music?......Check
An all star hollywood cast?.....eh, you dont need....ok, whatever...check
Great Graphics?....Check
Great Ga...

......Awesome, well johnny from the art department has made this COOL box art where like its DRIV3R rather than DRIVER 3 Sweet hey??...and its like its a movie poster maaaaaan, your gonna totally dig it.

*Okay, but we didnt finish doing the checklist...

Oh and Crap, I almost forgot. I totally got Phantom Planet to give us a song for the Soundtrack, the Soundtrack is gonna be freakin awesome.....

*Okay but seriously, we need to finish this checklist, I was thinking like good gameplay cos like.....

Yeah man totally, I hear what your saying. Strafe and all that, but we can sort out those minor details later, right now ive sooo gotta sort out our TOTALLY AWESOME MARKETING CAMPAIN!!