Considering the quality of the previous games, Driver 3 is really a dissapointment.
The gameplay requires you to drive around to locations, often get out of the car, and have random shoot outs with stupid AI. The cops will often shoot into their own car, resulting in them killing themselves. And aggressive citizens will randomly shoot at you for no particular reason. The missions are boring, and at times, unessecarrily difficult. The storyline is unrealistic, as the main character who is a detective, often kills many innocent people during the game. The guns and cars are limited, just like the game itself.
The graphics are almost as poor as the gameplay. The car's appearance is really not that impressive, and everything from the street lights to the civilians looks "Budget". There are many times where you may drive head on into a wall and get stuck in a loop of glitches such as your car dissapearing or just not being able to get out. The characters movement doesn't look real at all, particuarly in the way he jumps.
The sound is very average. The screams of injured people sound like voice actors receiving a massage and the gunfire sounds cheap and unrealistic.
The game is very basic, so alot of amatuer gamers will like it. Though the game is basic, the rounds are actually quite hard. This game is very limited, and destroys the name of "Driver".