This game is so fun and addictive, but it can be so funny at the same time.
When I say the game is funny, I mean like when you run into somebody and they go flying, or you flip your car and you land on somebody. And sometimes the wrecks can be funny. It is kind of hard to explain in words how it is funny.
There are many different weapons that you can use in this game, there is a shot gun, three pistols (one with unlimited ammo and one that is the same, just with a silencer), two different types of Uzis, an assault rifle, and a grenade launcher. Usually you just have to get farther into the game if you would like to earn more weapons, or you can use cheats.
There are three different modes in the game, challenge, free drive, and the story mode. The story mode as a lot of different missions with you playing as an undercover cop. The missions can get boring after a while though.
Free play is my favorite mode in the game, you can choose from two different maps, (three if you get far in the story mode) then pick a car to start with, then pick a starting point on the map. Once you start you are free to go where ever you want on the map, kill whoever, and steal and drive what ever. Just watch out for the cops, they will come after you if you do something illegal.
The cops in the game can be kind of dumb, like if they are not around, and you shoot somebody and they come and you put your gun away before they get there, they will not know it was you and get out of their car and probably start shooting at other people. And when you are in a shootout with the cops, they are not to smart.
There are many different cars in the game also. There are some cars that are very fast, and have good handling, and there are some that are very slow, and barely turn. You can also drive motorcycles and boats.
The damage in the game is pretty realistic to, like your car can be almost completely destroyed with almost nothing left on it, or your car can be perfectly fine, then you can hit another car going 45 mph and it will dent in the front of your car pretty bad. Then you might back up and hit a pole and it will dent the back of your car, Yes, parts of your car will come off. And your tires can be shot out by the cops.
Sorry it was so long, but thanks for reading if you read all of it.