What a waste of what was a truly great series.
Seems like Driv3r has no such qualms.
Besides the fact that the graphics look good, and the cars look good, and the carnage looks good, this is truly the definition of beauty is only skin deep.
The shoddy gameplay including the ability (or rather the necessity) of having to get out of your vehicle and progress through the majority of the mission on foot, is something that is overused. The game is called Driver for a reason, Not "Walker" or "Pedestrian"
Although the game has some fun, exciting moments to try and captivate you, this is only true because when you finally pass the stage you were last trying to do you feel so relieved, as Driv3r is cerrtainly the most difficult of the series, to the point of where you hate yourself for putting yourself through it all.
Not a shining moment in Reflections repertoire. Even Rockstar has made this statment in San Andreas. They shouldn't have given them that opportunity.