This is the best racing game ever made. If you agree with gamestop you are retarded and stupid like they are. They just got the destiny effect and don't like games anymore. But anyway, great AI physics that make sure you never win by too much. Graphics are the best on PS4 and better than any other game out to date. DLC is perfect even though it makes the game double its campaign but also allowing many trophies. this game would've got 8/10 before they fixed the drift control and added weather effects. With me, I been playing this game taking my time with it since December and I get more and more addicted to it the longer it lasts. Replay value is 9/10 because everything here is great except online quitters that make online mode annoying sometimes. Overall, no other racer is better than this, the closest in my opinion would be all the need for speed games cuz they are all just similar in many ways. Not even Forza is as good because that game holds your hand like a kid and tells you where to turn at and not let you press the gas like your too short but hold the wheel.
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