Best game on the Play Station 1.

User Rating: 8 | Driver 2 (w/Memory Card) PS
I can easily say Driver 2 is the greatest game on the PS1. I've been playing it since I was young and it's a masterpiece. The story-line is fantastic and it makes you want to keep playing so you can see the next cut scene. This game also has the best video game ending ever. Tanner drives away like a boss to the song "Just Dropped In". Love it.

I'm not a fan of the first Driver game but this one makes great improvements. You can exit your car but Tanner is a bit hard to control and will sometimes walk too much to one side. But this game is called DRIVER anyways. The graphics may look bad today but for the PS1 their pretty good. It's fun just to take a drive in the game and escape cops. The story mode is hard but it's worth playing. You'll be stuck on some missions for hours. It took me a long time just to beat the truck hijack level!

So Driver 2 is a great game if you are a fan of the PS1. You NEED to get it if you like driving games. The story is great and the game play is very fun.