This game is definitly up there, however certain game flaws leave a bit to be desired.
User Rating: 7.7 | Driver '76 PSP
The gameplay of this game is quite fun, especially the cinematic view while driving, oooh the fun you can have. The driving has some good mechanics but the On-Foot movement leaves ALOT to be desired. Your choices on foot are to move, get into cars, or shoot. Shooting is basic lock on, or you can use free-aim which isn't very well planned out. To look left and right you use square and circle, to look up and down, you use up and down on the D-Pad, and if you accidentally tap Right on the D-Pad, you put your gun away, its frustrating, but you can just get by with not using it. The missions are pretty basic, GTA style, but the lack of guns makes it fall short of a good GTA clone.
Graphics are sub-par. Cars look nice, but the character models look horrible. Blood effects are cool though.
The sound is pretty damn good, voice acting sounds nice, collisions are well timed, but I have noticed that the first pistol in the game sounds EXACTLY the same as the pistol from the original Doom games.
This game in my opinion is worth the money, the free roam mode alone is fun, except there is nothing to do but drive and kill (boo hoo). The story so far isn't too interesting, but I don't really look for that in a game.