Solid PSP game, but a complete, and almost broken copy of grand theft auto
Gameplay: pretty good, but on foot controls could have been better, but overall good. 7 out of 10
sound: awesome, but gunfire could have been better. Awesome 70's soundtrack. 9 out of 10
Other crap: Well, you have to go throught the first 2 chapters before you actually get good guns and stuff, but by then you will have a good variety of cars to choose from, but no problem there. Big city, HUGE. actually, not big compered to san andreas, but about as big or maybe bigger than liberty city, so pretty cool.
overall: 7 out of 10. pretty good game, but just can't be compared to GTA at all. Also, no hijackble planes! Even in GTA LCS they had a glitch, but there wasn't even a mention in this game. oh well... also, the game is flatout short!