The fourth of the series is different with new features and vehicels and give you a new action of underworld of new york
User Rating: 7.5 | Driver: Parallel Lines PC
the fourth edition of the genre-defining action/driving game by reflections interactive, this new edition is set in new york city and features an open mission structure unfolding a story of doublecross and revenge set over 2 distinct eras of new york city . the "Parallel Lines" suffix refers to New york in tow time periods:1978 and present day. it seems Reflections brought in some metrosexual game-guidance counselors after drive3r , as you avatar isn,t a tough-talking tanner,but a hippy androgynous waif with girl hips called TK.this is the very good game of driver series . the game is mission base driving that gives you a gta look and this game has some new features thats features give you a free style you can store cars on a garge and mod the cars new weapons and vehicls are in this game so this is the best game of driver series