Best Driver game to date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friggin' Awsome!!!!
P.S. Don't listen to the GS review cuz the dude who did it is a total GTA fanboy!
GREAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST IN SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't recomend getting the SE version though, cuz the soundtrack hs only the bad songs on it (WHAT??? HOW COULD THEY NOT PUT PEACHES?!?!?!?!) and the T-Shirt, unless your a total nerd, I doubt you'll ever wear it! (I know i will)... (but i'm not a nerd)... (mabey a hipocrite though)... BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!! SUPORT REFLECTIONS TO MAKE ANOTHER DRIVER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!