this game is almost perfect but what happened to driving games and free roam , and the day,night setings

User Rating: 9.7 | Driver: Parallel Lines XBOX
the game play is more supier then gta sanandreas and defanatly true crime newyork city its got realistic graphics, car hAndling and the missions aint that hard to figure out unlike driv3r this game goes back to its roots9/10

the grAphics are supier to any driver or gta game out and makes true crime new york city look like a 2yr old game , characters look ok couldnt have been any better that is unless they port it to 360 10/10

the sound is top quality unlike similar games the cars sound real guns sound excellent the music from the 70s are good havent heard 06s yet 10/10

value probably the best part is value 80 cARS 2 eraS OF nyc , 40 plus missions plus races and side quests 10/10

tilt get this a chance im sure itll not disappoint you rent buy borrow either way play it 10/10