Another game from Atari that coul'd be great, but is medicore!
Previous Driver game was DRIV3R and if you played it you know it's crap. Although I wouldn't call Parallel Lines crap, I can't call it good either.
I short the storyline is this, 70's you are a driver, then you get screwed over and get 25 to life. After 28 years you come out and seek revenge in modern New York. It obviously isn't the best storyline, but if you serve it right, you can make it interesting, but that isn't the case here. Storyline is predictable and characters boring.
Gameplay, as I said, it’s mostly focused on driving. There are storyline missions and side missions which mostly are just driving. You can also collect golden stars all around NYC and get rewards for that. It’s possible to spend your earned cash on car upgrades and ammo. Although Parallel Lines has GTA style gameplay it seriously lacks the fun that GTA offers nor it has the freedom you get in GTA.
I did have a lot of load times while playing it, but I suspect that my copy was dent or something.
Car graphics are nice and crashes look good, but still kinda unreal.
I enjoyed the soundtrack. It has good tunes both in 70’s and “now”.
I conclusion I can say that Driver Parallel Lines is a mediocre game and not a match for GTA, but is fun at times and can be played while waiting for next GTA. If you are interested, I suggest renting it first.