A decent enough game in short bursts, but fails to provide enough content or quality to last much longer than 3 hours.
User Rating: 5 | Driver: Renegade 3DS
Ex-cop John Tanner returns as the main character, and is hired by a politician to rid New York of crime. You play through a series of 20 missions which each has a set goals of either survival like reaching a target, or offensive goals like taking down a set amount of cars or buildings. In terms of story, the cut-scenes are delivered in a comic style with the addition of voice acting which is full of macho aggressive attitude, littered with swearing and bad one-liners. The streets of New York are represented in a open-world map and you will need to make use of the bottom screen to track down cars and plan your route through the roads. There's not too much life other than you and the criminals, since there are no pedestrians and traffic is very scarce. Bashing into cars is the way of taking them down, which can be helped by using the Rage bar which charges by drifts or destroying objects, and gives you a handy speed burst. Your car can be destroyed too, but locating the garages and driving close to them can instantly repair your car. The whole game is very arcade-like and not realistic, but provides a decent level of fun and is good to pick up and play for a few minutes here and there. Sadly, it only lasts for around 3 hours, but then there is a Career mode which is more of a racing game which the difficulty seems to be set far too low to be fun. Overall, Driver Renegade is a decent enough game in short bursts, but fails to provide enough content or quality to last much longer than 3 hours.