In the past i was a fan of the driver games, they always seemed fun. This game takes away almost every thing great about the other games by the putting into a HORRIBLE STORY. Most of the game is like a stupid trip, spoiler... Dumb out of body experiences to jump from body to body to move around in this world. The story in this game is so ridiculous and mundane that it really is tough to stay interested. The cars do look great and its nice to play a game that has all the licensing rights to actually use real cars. the environment is big and expansive so you can have fun driving around. The Building all look like big flat blocks with no definition so they look really poor. The majority of this game is spent just smashing your car or a hijacked car into the target car to complete your objective, then multiply this bye 30 or 40 side missions just to be able to unlock and play the real story. Stay away from this very subpar game!!!
By foxhound_fox | Review Date: Sep 14, 2011 | X360
*DISCLAIMER* This review is by no means an objective analysis of the games inherent quality, or a representation of anything other than the reviewer's personal experiences with the game. Any recommendations given out ... Read Full Review
Back in my old days, when I was a PC gamer, there was this racing game, which I had very fond memories of. The first Driver was a game I played a lot, so when its most recent installment came out I had my sight set on ge... Read Full Review