A bit old now, but at the time the graphics were amazing !, some of the best on ps1. The gameplay still stands up today with the new driver games hardly changed in the handling of the cars, hey if it aint broke dont fix it, or don't ruin it (driv3r).
The sound is amazing, those screeching tyres and the sound of that burnout, great film style music and great crash sounds.
The missions have variety with you choosing your own mission from an answering machine giving you more choice and if you find a mission to hard, pick a different one.
The handling is superb with spot on accuracy giving you 180, 360, reverse 180, burnouts, handbrake turns etc. Great stuff.
All this fun handling and great pysics add to the gameplay.
The game can be very hard at times with you damaging your car so much that it becomes unusable. The police can get very annoying and seem hell bent on revenge.
The last mission is one of the hardest and unforgiving levels in gaming history and may even see you buying a few new controllers. (ouch)
Fantastic game though and a classic.