Driver. It's never leaving my collection.

User Rating: 8 | Driver: Sennyuu! Car Chase Daisakusen (Spike Library #007) PS
There's a fair amount of traffic rolling down the Miami freeway, the sea can be seen from all ends of the city. Watch the sun gleaming off the cars as they drive in between the rural streets and the pedestrians are seen walking about with their lives. There is 2 people sitting at a café on the promenade on the beach, sipping coffee and laughing. Suddenly the roar of an engine is heard as the customers flee and a black sedan smashes through the café tables. Quick handbrake turn right, hit the accelerator and then the camera zooms out to see the sedan racing away as no less than a dozen cars are showing in pursuit.

That's how quickly the scene can change in Driver.

Driver, as the name will probably give away, is all about the driving. Grand Theft Auto had it's fun moments where you could shoot someone in the head, gain a few bucks and drive away. But there were times when you just wanted to drive, fast. Driver gives you that and more.

Every one of the four cities you encounter offer you a never ending chance of mayhem. Jumps, police, tight corners all allow for major satisfactory driving. The proper effects come with rain as well, wet and slippery roads will mean adjusting your taking of corners and skidding effects.

The graphics themselves are about the best you'd expect from a Playstation title. The pixels reveal themselves somewhat unforgiving at times but overall the graphics are pretty smooth.

The gameplay and story are pretty repetitive, mostly you have to get from point A to point B in a certain amount of time. However, the game does give you a breather from that with great Pursuit modes, basically ramming a getaway car until it stops. The test at the end although it can be infuriating, is fun to do.

Overall this game is one of the all time Playstation classics, so far the best in the series and will always be a good game to have in any gamers collection.