In a world of typical RPGs, giant mechanical insects are a godsend.
Lets start with the pros. Firstly the actual gameplay is perfect. The turn-based system which we all love is present but adds the type of movement your drone possesses into the mix. Depending on whether your drone has feet or wheels, etc., really can determine the victor. Another great point about the game is the environments. I know that they wouldn't be everyones' cup of tea, but since I hate the usual RPG element of having to traverse the mindless design of crappy fields and dungeons, these lush rainforests and marshes were something really new and fresh. The biggest thing one should look at when playing this game is the drones themselves, and let me tell you the people at Atlus did not dissapoint. Each drone is perfectly rendered in 3-D. When their not battling their represented by little cartoon-like sprites which are still pretty to look at. The battle animations are also cool since each drone does their own complex attack. Sometimes though these attacks aren't enough and you will have to use cards, yeah cards I'm not kidding. When you use a card a minigame will commence and if you win the card's full effect will be realized. Sadly this is one of the game's flaws, the minigames can be a bit hard. Overall the game has some amazing qualities.
Now for the flaws. Firstly, the game's CPUs are going to make you cuss a storm. At first your going to be winning fairly often, but once you get past Chapter 10, things get kind of hard. You'll start to become jealous of your enemies drones and will start to hate your own. As I said the minigames are a little hard. Another little problem is that they should have let you engineer enemy drones to use in battle. Another big think is that the game doesn't offer Wi-Fi so no online battles.
Drone Tactics is a great game for all of you who haven't played many RPGs and are trying to start and for all the experienced turn-based fanatics. Really all I can only say one thing, in a world of typical RPGs, giant mechanical insects are a godsend.