Well what can I say rent it for $5 or buy it for $15. Sure there are beater racers on PlayStation 2, but there are worse

User Rating: 8.2 | DT Racer PS2
Let's see there are many racing games out on PlayStation 2. In no way this game can replace some of the greatest racing games PlayStation 2 can offer. This game as many others can get bad reviews when compared to another game. Now there is some things this game does not have.....O no online play..I won't take any points off for that.

On to gameplay....The controls are simple and basic. You can drift on turns to maintain your speed as you finish the turn. There is boosting....O damn can't have a racing game without that anymore. Well boost is not as useful at most times. You get the confusion of the blurry effect and it is hard to keep the car in control. Simply for the gameplay part the game is playable.

Now the Graphics....I was impressed with the visuals. The texturing is nice and the grass looks nice....You don't just get a flat grass texture. To simply say the textures in this game are not a blurry mess. They are nice and clean. The cars are nice looking with good reflection effects and detail. One graphical issue I did not like is the reflections on the asphalt of the road.....well that actually looks good I mean the red and white cornering helpers on the curves have that effect....This makes it look ugly....but you will get use to and start to ignore it. Also the night tracks....cars have lights but when you are in and driving you get no light front of you.

The Sound....The engine sound of the cars roar loudly. This is ok; there are no problems with the sound. The music is all right. There are some nice beats here and there but nothing big or special. Still beater then some Rap street crap. The menu music will get repetitive.

Overall....The games design and idea is good. There ware some things that could have been worked on. Well what can I say rent it for $5 or buy it for $15. Sure there are beater racers on PlayStation 2, but there are worse ones.