Graphics are pretty good even for a budget title. The gameplay on the other hand is just the opposite as when you turn the car immediately it seems to just lose control or powerslide then everyone hits you and it says "RETIRED" instead of being a normal racing game and flipping the car back onto all fours for you. Cars are nicely detailed I'll say that, but you should be able to pick your own parts, have more colors, and the cars should be REAL ones not "Vixen" and whatnot. Damage aspects I liked sort of, at least they have some detail but those are pretty much the only two goods about it. Everything else kinda of sucks in it. I am not lying don't but this game even for $10... Sell it to your friend =) Oh yeah and the music/sound also sucks cause there is an annoying announcer voice saying "You really suck at racing" and "Maybe racing isn't for you" and there are the same stupid techno tracks over and over again. I hate techno and I hope you do too.