Classic 2D level shooter

User Rating: 7.4 | Duke Nukem PC
Typical American hero in the future. Not too sure what he was doing, probably saving the world. However lets not detract from the fact that his game was huge fun back in its day.

So what do you compare this to? I think its only fair to compare it to games of its time. So lets remember graphics were blocky and sound almost non-existent.

It was a simply level shooter. In its day that was considered good; only Wolfenstien was FPS.

Onscreen help boxes helped you get into the game and learn the controls, it was simple. Jumping around shooting objects to get from the start to the end.

Along the way collect some gun upgrades, bonus points for spelling out DUKE and so on. Several levels kept you going.

Thankfully games have moved on from this as there was a large element of try and try again once dead by reloading. Only games like Commander Keen and Prince of Persia were on similar levels to this game - a title that has been reborn. This game had much more action whereas Commander K was more kiddy fun.

Gameplay was simple and effective, more user friendly than Prince. The game was well made and there were few glitches, so you knew what to expect, unlike Commander Keens early attempts where jumping could end in tears.

Graphics were ok in its day, colourful. Sounds were basic as they simply relied on the internal PC beeper. This games was fine as a shareware.

After the Flashback took level games to a new ......... level.