Best pc classic ever!! First game I ever played when I was 4 years old. I would still play it to this day.
User Rating: 10 | Duke Nukem 3D PC
This has got to be the best shoot em up game, i never get tried of it. Similar to doom, really bloody and monsters from hell theme. Duke the charter you play as is really buff and also funny in some of the movie clips, for example at one stage when you defeat this really hard devil guy you get to watch this movie clip of him ripping this things head off and sitting were his head once was and he pulls out a newspaper and takes a crap!! It’s the funniest thing ever, I still remember know and its been years since I’ve played it. You need to be mature to play this game as there are a few pole dance hookers that show you their breasts and things like that. Anyway if things like that don't bother you then you “need” to play this 10/10 game, you will not regret it.