Amazing experience, ranks among the best shooters of all time!

User Rating: 9.1 | Duke Nukem 3D PC
This game is quite simply one of the best (if not THE BEST) First person shooters ever.

but uh, lets be honest. It certainly wasn't as innovative as Doom, and wasn't as visually stunning as Quake. However, Duke Nukem 3D still ranks among the greats and I had more fun with DN3D than Doom or Quake (might have been the pixilated strippers). And DN3D was my first stab at multi-player. I used to tie up our two phone lines for hours playing my dad or whatever unlucky friend I had invited over for a little "Dukematching" Gameplay 10/10

Graphics: you have to remember its 1996. 3D graphics technology isn't exactly mainstream yet (something we take advantage of in 2007) but its getting there. Even so, sprites for many of the characters and guns bring it down slightly considering what Nintendo does with Mario 64 later that year. But the environments are rendered beautifully for the time 7/10

Sound: The sound was simply amazing. the monsters groaning and roaring was a constant reminder that either just around the corner, or perhaps right behind you there was something that was either gonna kill you, or be killed. another plus is the way the guns sounded which again for the time was amazing. the blast of the shotgun might not have been realistic, but it certainly was cool to hear 8/10

Value: Well you certainly got your moneys worth with this one, even today 8/10

The whole experience of the game, the "tilt" I'd have to give it a 10 simply because the game was just that, a complete experience. even to this day I continue to play it with LEGALALLY AVAILABLE patches which increase the graphic quality, turn the sprites into fully 3D characters, AND allow the game to run under Windows XP.

If you're a shooter fan, and you missed this game, you owe it to yourself to check it out.