Duke Nukem3D is the most amazing multiplayer and singleplayer experience ever created for its time. Always bet on Duke!

User Rating: 10 | Duke Nukem 3D PC
This game was brilliant! We would play multi-player for hours and hours straight all day everyday! This was way before the whole keyboard and mouse setup so you had to be really skilled with the keyboard. Some of the best moments were experienced in Hollywood Holocaust, and the Spaceport. Duke3D was my first venture into online COOP and I will never forget it!

Aside from the Single and multi-player mode, I spent years fiddling with the Build engine and looking up to Jen Silverman for his work. I loved the fact that there was a Goodies folder with the level editor in it. That was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game!!! Creating a level and sharing the experiencing with your buddies! Truly remarkable. I cannot wait for Duke Nukem Forever. Once a Duke fan, always a Duke fan.

Duke Nukem will always hold a place in my heart. Shadow Warrior was almost as good, but it was no Duke. :P