If you have never played a Duke Nukem game, this is a good one to purchase.
This game is a blast from the past. If you never had the opportunity to play this game and want to play an old school shooter then I highly recommend this game for you. It's modestly priced at only $5 and has plenty of replay value.
Sound: The sounds effects and music are dated, but I think that adds some character to the game and really gives it the old school feel. The music is subtle and is cheesy. It is comprised of simple riffs of synth type sounds and simple drum patterns. The sound effects of the weapons all sound decent and my personal favorite is the shotgun. It gives a real nice blast when you pull the trigger. Duke himself says his funny one line phrases and yells when falling from high places. The enemies sounds effects are distinct and after playing for a while you can tell what type of enemy is around the corner just by the sound it makes. My favorite out of enemy sounds has to be the fat, floating alien that consistently says, "suck it down" as he shoots rockets at you.
Gameplay: This game moves very quickly. You have the option of turning the run mode on and off, but you will want it on. The ability to move faster is usually always a good thing in shooters. The game has four episodes, each having plenty of levels and very good map design. Although, almost every level you play you have to shoot down aliens, find keycards to gain access to different areas, and eventually find the nuclear bomb switch to end the level. There is plenty of action to be had in this tried and true approach to shooters. Sometimes it gets confusing trying to navigate around the levels. Exploring the maps is a relatively simple experience and a difficult one at the same time. It's very similar to Doom, except in Duke Nukem you actually have to aim up and down to hit enemies. You get a decent selection of weapons. You get your typical pistol, shotgun, and machine gun. The game does have creative weapons such as the Shrinker which can hit most enemies. Then you run up and stomp the foe with your mighty boot. Your enemies have incredible accuracy. A pig cop can be across the map and still hit you with his shotgun, which can be annoying at times. Boss battles are very fun and a good challenge. You get cool items such as a jetpack to fly around to areas, night vision goggles, and steroids. Yes, steroids. When taken, you run faster than Usain Bolt. The game is difficult. If you run into a room too fast, you probably won't survive so you have to put your combat tactics to work. One great thing about the game is that it records your progress through each level. If you die, you have the option of picking what point during your session you would like to continue playing from. This is a great feature in the game because you will die, a lot.
Multiplayer: It's really fast. I don't mean the matches go by fast. I mean the rate at which you and your opponents move is fast. When you first start playing online you will be discouraged. Some people are really good at this game. It takes some getting used to. It is fun, but sometimes it is hard to get a match. You will get one, you just might have to wait a couple minutes or you might not have to wait. I believe it depends what time of the day and what day you are playing. Matches ultimately come down to who knows where the baddest guns are in the level and who gets them first. The matches are very frantic and full of action, much like the single player game is. There is a decent selection of multiplier maps that should keep you satisfied.
All in all, Duke Nukem is a very fun game to play. So if your a broke college kid like me and can't afford to buy brand new games because you have to buy books for classes you probably don't need but have to take, then buy this game. I highly recommend it, unlike the G Spot Boyz album. Duke Nukem 3D is only $5 and Duke is worth it. It will keep you entertained for a while.