Best FPS ever!!! Duke is a KING!!!

User Rating: 10 | Duke Nukem 3D PC
This is my first FPS I played( I was 4 or 5 years old that time).
I like everything in this game.
Have you ever seen the like Duke Nukem 3D?
That old(1996) and that good?
Duke Nukem 3D is the best game from 1996.
You can fly with jet pack(this is something what I never seen)
It's very useful.
There are more good things in this game.
Like swimming!!!
There is something better than swimming.
You can dive underwater in this game!!!Yes,It's true!
You can hear water effects(weapon sounds a little different underwater)
Weapons are amazing.
There are more different types of enemies.
Pig cop!!!This is the original character from Duke's games.
Graphics are great(PERFECT!!!)(1996=very,very old)
I know.Today it looks horrible to some people,but I think it's perfect even today.
Sound effects:weapons,enemies,...=Amazing!!!
Gameplay:Enjoy!!!Just enjoy!!!You can't say this game is not fun.It's the best!!!
I would like to have another good game as this.
But,I know there is no better game than this!!!
Duke is the KING!!!!!!!