Quite an old game but really good

User Rating: 9.5 | Duke Nukem 3D PC
Duke Nukem 3d was a really good game. Duke Nukem 3d was a first person shooter with very basic graphics. this game was released in 1996 I think it was. The levels in duke were really good like the first one were you started on a roof thing and you shoot the fan and jump down to the street which looks cool. When I first played duke when my mum and dad got me it I got a fright at some parts of the game. The weapons are good. You got the pistol, RPG, Chain gun cannon, Shrinker which shrink your enemies which I had a lot of fun with. There's about ten guns in total some I never mentioned. My favorite level in Duke would probably be where you are in a subway place. The level I think is called Rabbid Transit or something like that.

If you want a challenge in duke try completing it on Damm Im good. The enemies keep coming alive but if you destroy there bodies once you killed them their gone for good.

The two player online was quite popular but I never really got the chance to play it because my internet wasn't really working at the time. I played two player with my brother mostly co-op but there was a deathmatch or duke match as they call it there as well.

There were lots of Duke expansion packs like 500 levels, duke it out in
DC, Nuclear Winter also Caribbean which I completed them all on the hardest mode Damm Im good.