
User Rating: 10 | Duke Nukem Forever PC
Everything I could have asked for from a Duke game. All the military games, such as CoD and BF remind us of how the industry is right now, which is very brown and grey. It's refreshing to have any game, especially a Duke game, to remind us what kind of stories and gameplay the newer generation of gamers missed out on.

The game is FUN, which is something the games above sorely lack. Yes, CoD or BF multiplayer is "fun", but not "first video game fun". Buy it if you enjoy games like Serious Sam, Doom, Quake - basically go in to have fun, and you will have it.

Multiplayer is kickass, and you will enjoy it. Especially if you enjoyed games like Unreal Tournament, as Duke has some mutators that make things hilarious. Customization is king. The guns are hilarious and all feel "right". Instead of killing someone with a SCAR-H, I'll take a boot to their shrunken body, courtesy of the shrink ray. ;)

Don't let the negative nancies sway you, this game is DUKE - if you are a fan you will get lost in it