Duke Nukem Forever! or Duke Nukem The Fake!

User Rating: 3.5 | Duke Nukem Forever PC
I don't believe my eyes
Is this really the Duke Nuke m I waited 12 years for???
The game is probably one of the stupidest games ever, the original duke nuke m game was not really a smart idea, but a game of its own era, as a matter of fact it was one the best games of that time, I still have a copy of it on my cell phone, and its still fun to play, but this game!!! I would say no to it
If you ask me, don't waist your money and time, on an idea, that should have been published a decade ago, its completely soulless, cheap, and the selfish dukes narcissism is unbelievably fake ,and what the he** is wrong with you guys(creators) , what where you thinking, whose supposed to play this game actually, A 16 year old teenager Or older?
I would say a 5 year old child or less, if it wasn't for the porn content (the stupidest part of the whole thing).
And the guns! The old game had many bad things but it had a good thing too, you could carry a lot of guns around, a walking arsenal, but here, looks like the old age has finally got the duke, Or its creators. Let's make it short
The first original idea was a good one, This one is a fake
It looks like they just wanted you to hate Duke forever, like forever ever, I personally puked a couple times.
No, No way.
The Good: the duke itself as we all like him and waited eagerly for him
The Bad: graphics, the story is simple, enemies are examples of artificial Foolishness, what else matters.
Guys, Fans of FPS, go back to your Copies of CrYsis, this one is a mastercr**.