Very Good

User Rating: 6.5 | Duke Nukem Forever PS3
Duke Nukem Forever is the latest chapter in the long gestation Duke Nukem franchise of classic first-person shooter. Technically, in development for over a decade, Duke Nukem Forever was resurrected from oblivion by Gearbox Digital, the studio behind the acclaimed shooter Borderlands.



Gearbox Why resurrect it?

Playful, Duke Nukem Forever is something of great white whale of video games. Having been in development for over a decade - and, occasionally, appearing in various forms - has become a joke in the industry. But when 3DRealms, the original developer, I started going the way of the dodo, Box stepped in to keep alive Duke Nukem. According to Gearbox president Randy Pitchford, Duke is still an icon in the game and its kind of enforcement action and weapons can not be allowed to disappear into the annals of gaming history. Moreover, the narrative of Duke Nukem Forever development gives this game a story that is fascinating, if you still care about Duke or not.