Certainly not a masterpiece, but far from the disaster "professional" reviewers are making it out to be.
Let's start with the graphics: while it is true they are not cutting edge, they are at least competent, and not nearly as bad as they've been made out to be. There are some blurry low-res textures that do rear their ugly head from time to time, but that's been true of even games like Crysis that are held up as shining jewels of graphical prowess. Double-standards much, "professional" reviewers?
Second, the "lack of action." Well, this may be an issue with the hardcore ADD crowd, but all I can say is go play one of your boring cookie-cutter Call-of-Halo-Battlefield-Gears games if you're jonesing that hard for mindless bullet spray. That said, the critique that some of the platforming/puzzle sequences were overdone may be valid - if not absurdly overstated. My real issue with the level design is how random it feels; some are brilliant, some are boring, but none of them really flow very well from area to area.
Now I'll address the (very few) demerits I agree with - the two weapon limit and regenerating health. I'm of the opinion that this was a very poor design decision, and directly contradicts the "old school" shooter style the game purported to be designed around. It is those two very vital mechanics that really drag this game down - more than the hit-or-miss levels, more than the immature humor everyone is whining about (I happen to unapologetically like it, thank you very much) and far more than the technical proficiency of the graphics engine.
At the end of the day, no, the game certainly didn't meet the impossibly lofty expectations a one and a half decade long development cycle would dictate. I doubt anyone is surprised there. What does surprise - and maybe even offend me, is how immature and unprofessional the majority of the allegedly professional reviewers have treated it thus far. I cannot justify it in my mind by calling it anything other than hate bandwagoning. My trust and respect for the reviewing industry has been waning over the past couple years, but I think this has officially broken it. You people are like the Fox News of gaming to me... sensationalize mediocre games like Gears and the ridiculous number of regurgitated CoD games (and their clones) with 9.0's, but give this a 3.5?
Really, you shouldn't be writing anymore, just go work directly for the publishers who are paying you off and stop pretending. That is all.