I guess the Joke is on me...

User Rating: 1 | Duke Nukem Forever PS3
If your reading this review, your either a fanboy in denial of exceptence that this game sucks, your have accepted this game sucks, or your trying to find out how bad this game really is. Lucky for me I never paid money for this game, however I was in the front lines of my video rental store to get this game (yes I know I am a sucker), and I almost thought about buying the game instead of renting it and falling into Gearbox's trap, however I keep a budget of only getting 3-4 new release $59.99-$69.99, and I had already bought Little Big Planet 2, and plan of getting Elder Scrolls V, Sonic Generations and Child of Eden. But for all those who bought the game, I guess you feel into the trap and the 60 dollar joke is on you.... funny huh... no it really isnt, Lets get to the review.

The game didn't feel like anything. Some people say it feels like an old school shooter, but old school shooters didnt have cheap knock off puzzles from Half-life and nor did old school shooters have voice acting with some of the most emberessing one liners ever. Actually to be honest this game didnt feel like a shooter at all. It felt more like a Dead of Alive Beach Volley Edition mixed with a 12 year old dream of being in the movie The Terminator. Unfortunatly Team Ninja is alot better with the Breast Physics then Gearbox, which makes you wonder where the 14 years went. Well if the game has bad boobs physics, same 3 enemies, annoying quotes, graphics that are about as good as Sonic Adventure on the dreamcast... wait they are a bit better then that.... lets say Metroid Prime on the GameCube, and worst of all a "I want to be Shooter that plays like Half Life, Halo, Crysis and Quake." (look fan boys how I never said call of duty) or as others say Duke Nukem Forever, the game has no redeeming value at all. Maybe I had to play Duke Nukem 3D back when I was playing Super Mario 64 and Star Fox or maybe the Joke is on us for spending 60 dollars on a game that is worth less the a Atrai that only plays ET.

Overall in the 14 years of gaming it has been since Duke Nukem 3D was released, we have had amazing games like Portal, and we have had some not so great games, Dante's Inferno. But with this piece of crap, it makes Dante's Inferno look like an amazing masterpiece. Dont fall into the Gearbox Joke on you thing. Just dont this