Duke Nukem Forever can be completely summed up in 3 words: stupid and insulting.

User Rating: 4.5 | Duke Nukem Forever X360
You know, I actually enjoyed the gameplay initially, in Duke Nukem Forever- it was fun, it brought back memories of good times spend with DN3D, and it just had a refreshingly old school feel to the controls, without feeling dated or severely hampered by the technical limitations that mar its predecessor by comparison to modern games.

The problem is, after a while, you realize that, solid gameplay aside, not only does DNF have precious little to offer- uninspired level design being one of the only tech/build-side flaws in the game, in my opinion- but it actually sinks into a negative experience, in many ways.

Why is that, you ask?

Story and dialogue.

As a bit of context here, I'm hardly a prude- among the many jobs I've willingly worked in my lifetime, I sold porn movies and "adult novelties" for around 3 1/2 years, and I worked as bouncer, floorman, and assistant manager (as well as bartender and doorman on occasion, when needed for fillin) at a fully nude strip club for 5 1/2 years.

I'm hardly some thin-skinned screechmonkey w/an agenda of raging political correctness.

...and yet? I found Duke Nukem Forever's juvenile dialogue to be increasingly grating, like a running monologue from someone in their 30s desperate to try to present themselves as hip by mimicking the sort of toolboxery typically found in frat houses and episodes of Jersey Shore all across the United States.

Forced, self-consciously "vulgar," and trying way, way too hard- that's the DNF dialogue, in a nutshell.

What *really* kills the game, however, and led not only to my eventually abandonment of the game (for the moment, at least- I'll still likely finish it at some point, if only so I have no reason whatsoever to ever play it again), but to a number of people I know who were actually eagerly anticipating the game following suit?

The "story."

It's pure 3DRealms- by which, I mean flimsy, derivative, poorly paced and designed, tedious, and filled with adolescent attempts at humor that are about as hilarious as Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino's turn on the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump.

Actually, that's a pretty dead-accurate comparison, really- it starts it with a chuckle (Sorrentino's riff on Seth McFarlane, vs. the leadin and world-shift denouement of the intro to DNF), but quickly devolves into a flat, vapid series of failed attempts at self-aggrandizement and beyond, until it becomes not just painful, but actually kind of embarassing, to bear witness to.

"But Duke, it was our first time... with an alien!"

"We'll take the weight off, Duke, we promise!"

Do yourself a favor, and avoid ever putting the weight of Duke Nukem Forever on in the first place. There are much, *much* better games to spend money on, from Gearbox's own "Borderlands" to whatever one-dimensional twitch trick "game" that's just attained "hot" status on the iPhone marketplace.

Any of them are a better bet than DNF, and cheaper, too- not just financially, but in the cost of braincells irrevocably damaged in the process, as well.