Hail To The King, Baby!

User Rating: 8 | Duke Nukem Forever PS3
Duke Nukem is back, but is he any good? In my opinion the answer is a big YES. This game is absolutely ridiculous in all ways. The humor is juvenile, the guns are giant, the finisher moves are ludicrous, and Duke is like a giant teenager. But the game combines all of these things and makes it wonderfully fun to play. For example, the first level starts out epically... Duke is peeing in a urinal. And then he spurts some one liners. Then he gets a really big gun, fights a really big boss, and kicks the bosses eye out through a field goal as a finishing move. See what I mean? The game is so stupid that it is enjoyable. But don't walk into this game expecting a Grade A story now. It is a very generic story: Aliens invade, kill them and while your at it save the women. Now I thought the graphics were actually very good. I mean they weren't Uncharted 2 graphics but they were alright. Everything looked smooth and polished except for some things that looked a little rough around the edges. I had a lot of fun with this game but it is not perfect. The platforming sections were terrible. You couldn't double jump and sometimes when jumping from one place to another I would fall and die because the leap was too far for me to make. And later on in the game there are underwater segments and I didn't hate them as much as everyone else did but they didn't seem to fit in the game at all. It seems like the developer just wanted to throw that in there so he could put in an underwater boss (which wasn't that good actually). And Duke does in fact say at the end of this game "What kind of sh*t ending is this?" but once you actually hear it and see why he's saying it you'll get a good laugh. Trust me on this one; he's not saying it because the ending was bad. I touched on the story so I am going to go into the multiplayer now. The multiplayer was actually pretty fun. There are a bunch of game modes to play but all I played was DeathMatch so that is what I'll tell you about. There are all the weapons from the game to use, even the shrink ray which is by far the best weapon to use in multiplayer. It is thrilling to shrink an enemy down then stomp on him because it always makes you laugh and the other player swear. You can unlock items in multiplayer that you can put on duke or that you can put in your apartment and you can also level up. What I didn't like about the multiplayer is that the weapons are scattered around all over the place. I would have like to choose what weapons I wanted. And also every time someone dies they explode. A pistol, shotgun, sniper, ANY GUN ends with the person you kill exploding. I don't know if Duke has some special grenade ammo in his pistol but if he does I want to know why the enemies didn't explode in the story mode. Oh, and every character plays as Duke. So it's like 10 Dukes running around killing themselves. I found that weird. I don't know what other game modes there are considering that I played online one time because after one time you have done all there is to do. Here comes the conclusion of my review. I played Duke Nukem, beat Duke Nukem, and sold Duke Nukem. Once you beat the game one time there is no reason to play it again unless you really want to spend another 15 hours on it, and the online loses its fun after one round. But it was a good game while it lasted and in my opinion, I think you should totally pick it up. I give Duke Nukem: Forever an 8 out of 10 and I can't wait for the next Duke Nukem game... Hopefully we won't have to wait another 12 years. Thank you for reading my review and the next game I will be reviewing is going to be either Manhunt 2 for the PSP GO or MadWorld for the Wii.