Love Loading Screens? This is the game for you!
Seriously, even if all the critics were wrong and all the defenders right... Even if you're just looking for some Old School, juvenille fun... Even if you don't care if it all looks dated... There's still the fact that there are LEVELS THAT REQUIRE THREE LOADING SCREENS TO CROSS. I'm not talking huge, CRYSIS-type open levels -- I'm talking like one freakin' floor of a casino. And not just quick little "wait on an elevator" loading times -- 30+ second loading screens..!
This kind of pace-killer destroys the few moments of fun that crop up amidst the clumsy, frustrating platforming and other relentless tedium of DNF. Simply inexcusable, even on a budget game, let alone a $60 title. Duke Nukem 3D was infinitely better-paced, and it was made 14 years ago.
So glad I just rented this.
Please skip DNF and try BULLETSTORM instead, a game in the same spirit w/ much more polished and fun gameplay.