This is Duke Nukem: Forever and this game is for the fans of the franchise.
Publisher: 2k Games
Developer: 3D Realms, Gearbox Software
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: June 14, 2011
The visuals for Duke Nukem: Forever are decent but really dated to the point that it show's that it should have come out for the original Xbox or when the Xbox 360 first came out on the market, but the visuals for this game is not that bad and in fact if it was not for some frame rate issues in some areas of the game or when more then three things were going on at once and the visuals were a little laggy and buggy and in other part of the game the visuals and frame rate caught up with each other. The detail's to the environment's such as Las Vegas, the Las Vegas desert and the Dam it all looked nice but still it was all a bit dated especially in the few water areas in the game they looked like I was playing a game from the last gen era, in the earlier levels of the game the detail looks nice but not that nice, so the environment's are nice but dated. So let me talk about the detail to Duke himself and all of the (NPC's) and the enemies, So the detail to Duke himself seem's to be very well done in some parts of the gameplay aspect of this game and the detail to Duke looked really well in the cut scene's and the same can go for the (NPC's) especially the the women in this game in the cut scene's and even thought the detail's to this game are dated but the girls of this game looked well enough to empress a bit but not that great and as for the other (NPC's) like the EDF soldier's they did not look ass great and they looked a little grainy and for most the enemy aliens they looked really done well and for some of the other enemy aliens they did not look that great and they could have used a little bit more work. So in short for the visuals for Duke Nukem: Forever and for the most part they are dated in most parts of this game, but in some areas of this games detail of the visuals they looked half decent, and so the visuals are dated but not that bad either they are just plain decent.
Now for the audio for Duke Nukem: Forever is a lot better than the visuals of the game and the voice work was pretty good, the sound effect's for this game were pretty good and decent and the soundtrack to the game was pretty decent. So I'll start with the Soundtrack to the game and it is pretty decent and it brought me back to when I used to play the two game that were on the N-64 and the one that I got to check out on the PC so many years ago and still with the soundtrack for this game it is duke through and through and it is what might make you keep playing this game until the end. The sound effect's for this game the weapons, explosion's sound of (NPC's) and the nosies from the aliens they all sounded nice but they came of a little dated as well at time's but they were still good enough. Now for the voice work for this game was good not great nut still good and the best part of the voice work is they got the same original guy who did the voice work from all of the original adaptation's of the game and he was just great with all those one liner's and references to all those other game's that are out their (Halo, COD, Half-Life, Portal and more) and movies like ( They Live, Evil Dead Trilogy, Rush Hour line from the end credits and more), the voice work to some of the NPC's were not all that great and some of them were all out bad, but some of it is still pretty decent. So in short for the audio for this game is that the audio is just plain good.
Now the Single player gameplay for Duke Nukem: Forever is good and a bit mediocre but not that much though and what I mean by good and a bit mediocre is the gun play were pretty good and fun and the controls were a bit clunky and the story was decent but it could have been better. The gun play is pretty good on the fact is when you come to part's of game where you Duke meets up with some of the EDF (NPC's) the enemies won't just keep their fire on you they will take down your EDF comrades so you have about 2 seconds to take down some of the alien baddies, but you have guns that very powerful but nothing is powerful than Duke's trusty Shotgun on most of the enemies and as long as they are within it's range and then you can take some of the alien's down with one to two shot's from it and some of the other weapon's are good and powerful depending on the type of enemies you are taking on and when you take on a boss then the game encourages you to use a more powerful rocket launcher or turret or even anything else that is just as powerful as the two for the boss battles for this game other than that the weapons are all well balanced and and extremely fun to use. Now for the mediocre part of the single player is the clunky controls and the lack luster story and first the clunky controls and the fact is they are not that great and I had a heck of a time with them and trying to keep Duke still or move in the with out him stuttering sort of speak from side to side every once in a while, which can be frustrating from time to time. I'm going to point out some of the cool perks you get to use in this game and they are Duke-vision which is basically Duke's night vision goggles, a Holo-duke so you can put down a distraction so you can get job done, then you have steroids which helps you out with unstoppable rage sort of speak and then their is sucking back a nice cold one (Beer) which gives you more toughness and if you mix the steroids and beer together it will make almost invincible for a limited time and it can fun knocking the piss out out of some alien baddies. So in short for the single player for this game is and yes it has it's problem's but this game is a hell of a lot of fun and is more for the fan's of the Duke Nukem franchise.
Now the on-line for Duke Nukem: Forever and I would like to point out that this game it has a little lag to and some bug's to it but it is still fun as hell and the maps for this game's on-line has a great mix of maps from the actual game and from the original game as well and the community for this is pretty big and most of them are fans of the Duke Nukem franchise. The modes this game has are you standard Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill and capture the flag and the more you play you unlock these modes or what ever mode you prefer you can go to Duke's digs and this is where you can unlock some stuff like clothing and furniture and even some art and their is one more thing that I liked about the on-line and that is even when you select a quick match or a ranked match it will take you to a list of match's that are going on or if they have not started and you don't see that in much game's and that's pretty cool. So in short for the on-line for this game is the fact is this game has some issue but their not that bad and the on-line brought me back to me and a few of my bud's played this on the N-64 to the death and with that said this on-line is for the fans of of the franchise.
So now for the overall point for this game is the fact is that this game is more geared for the fans of this franchise and yes it has some problems than it is geared towards the hardcore fans of the FPS genre and yes this game has some dated visuals but the cut scenes are nice, the audio is pretty good and the dialog is full of one liner's that poke fun at some of the big shooter's out there and some funny one liner's from some great and decent movies as well and the gameplay for this game's single player is a decent but a little buggy and clunky controls and the on-line has a bit of lag but is still fun and is worth checking out at the price you can find this game at a good price and that is around $30-$40 or less so if you are fan of the Duke Nukem franchise this game is for and if you are not then do not pick this game up. So in short for this game's overall is it has some problem's but it is still fun and is more geared for the fans of the franchise and this game is playable.
6.5 out of 10