Duke Nukem just threw a turd at your face, and that turd is Duke Nukem Forever.
But we can't, because it's Duke Nukem. Yet, here is game whose existence is as empty as the brain on his head. His return is pointless and he now lacks any identity. In a market of varied shooters that contribute various styles and ideas to the wide world of gaming, Duke Nukem Forever copies and imitates with an incompetence that is embarrassing. DNF does not know what it wants to be. It acts like it wants to be special, like an American Idol contestant churning out covers. Maybe its a shooter, a puzzle platformer, a parody of games, a joke. But it's all cobbled together with no skill or direction, much like the mundane levels and the wafer-thin story.
Duke Nukem is much like that famous guy we used to love who went rogue one lonesome night and broke headlines for the wrong reasons. Now he wants us back, but we don't want it back. The worlds moved on. Much like the player who as Duke Nukem realized that that turd he just threw across the room was not worth his time.