this game is funny and cool at the same time.
_______________-=DUKE NUKEM:-=_____________________________
_______________MANHATTAN PROJECT_________________________
The game kicks off as the senator of New York is giving a speech about the alien menace striking the New York City area. As soon as pig-cops fall down from the sky in the speech area, and duke owns the living crap out of them.. you know this game is going to ROCK.
-=Gameplay=- The gameplay is a solid side-scrolling game. i reccomend it if you enjoy classic games.
-=Graphics=- The graphics are extremely out-dated. do not reccomend for graphics.
-=Sound=- the sound is great you can hear pig get killed from over a mile away.
-=Value=- The game costs $20 . . . . . buy it used.
-=Tilt: this game is great in all, it settles with a 8.7 out of 10.