Hail to the king

User Rating: 8.5 | Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project PC
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project is a very good game. It's a blast to play. It's sometimes frustrating but it's just a very fun game to play. This game plays like those side scrollers from the good old days. It's done very well in this game. People who think this game plays like Duke Nukem 3D are wrong. It plays like the original Duke Nukem. But it's a little bit weird that you don't have to reload your gun. The graphics look good. It's not so revolutionary as half-life 2 or something like that but it it looks pretty good. The game play is just like those old-school games. But it's very fun to play and it's very original too. DN: MP sounds pretty good. Duke has some great one-liners to keep you entertained. 'Rest in pieces' is my favourite quote. The voice acting in this game is very good. And your enemies sound good to. DN: MP doesn't last long. It has no multiplayer and the levels are very short. This is game is a blast to play. But if you don't like side scrollers or old-school games I think you shouldn't buy this game.