The classic makes it's way over from the PC. The results are comparable but the deathmatch option was the big letdown.

User Rating: 8.6 | Duke Nukem PS
OK, here we go. If you are pickin up this title, it's because you are a Duke fan, so an introduction to the game would be a little pointless. You have the game in your hands because Duke 3D rocks! L.A. Rumble is the best level for a deathmatch and the first level is great for having a base war. I played more Duke, networked deathmatchs and tournaments for cash than any other game I have ever owned. That is exactly the reason why when I had seen this one up for grabs at a 2nd hand store, I had to buy it. Ten bucks, so the price was right.

I get it home, only to find that in order to relive my deathmatch memories, that I would have to link up to someone else's PS who also owned the game. My heart sank when I had seen this. OK, 2 player Tetris on the original Gameboy, you had to do that sort of thing, but now.... with the PS? Come on, what a crock! All the other Duke games since then were multiplayers from the same console, but the one that really mattered wasn't. That was this games biggest letdown when it came over to the console.

Next up, the graphics. People didn't like the graphics on this one, compared to other games the PS had to offer. BUT, compared to the PC version, it was darn near the same. (Remember people, this game came out before any idiot could work a computer, back in the days where DOS still ran your machine for ya!) So, keeping that in mind, the age of the title, I had no beef with the graphics. The gamplay itself, was all the same. The only other beef I had with the game was that it was hard to move around your inventory items. Once you got around that, you were in the clear to have some fun. Of coarse you couldn't add any of the cool mod sound files, like you could on the PC. "For obvious reasons" But that was just extra stuff, and not the reason we fell in love with this game in the first place. Not to mention al the replay value this game has, we are still playin it now, if thats any indication to you.

I say, people were to critical of this game. When it was first released for the PC, everyone loved it! (Anyone who played 3D style shooters.) Then it gets released for the PS and everyones being so critical about it. It's the same game folks! The way I see it, don't bother with it, unless you are a fan of the series. Today, it sits in our collection, getting played once in a while and thats what its going to do. It's a essential game that you hardly play, but will never give up. Ya know which games I mean, everyone has those games in their collection. I love Duke 3D, all my friends love it as well and only wish they had a copy of this one so they could play it again, without having to use a DOS emulator on their computers. This one is a legend in the field of 3D shooters and a must have for any fan, and should be treated as such.

"It's time to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum!"
