User Rating: 9.2 | Duke Nukem: Zero Hour N64
Well the game is great but wht didn`t gamespot review this game?May be they were lazy,drinking soda,having old farts coming on there asses and playing halo:combat evolved well im the first reviewer of this game and it rocks my duke nuckem ass.This is my exelent review of a classic N64 game GRAPHICS:Well I don`t have the game any more so i don`t remembr what the graphics look like but I do remember that the particle afects were superble great.That is all I remember about these games graphics. SOUND:The sound is great with souround sound and puting it up to 100 persent volume thaen your going to have a blast.One problem,the voice acting sucks!But in some places in the game the voices will get prety well.3d realms should of goten better voice acters though. VALUE:The game is farely long long long long long!It might take you at least 20 hours to beat the game,but there is no replay value at all in zero hour I beat the game but I got bored of it (click!) just like that.but my favorite level is the western level my favorite.The story is not very interesting you play as the alien slayer hero Duke Nukem (DUH!) until the military computer gets a message you see the Duke Nukem from the past in the past at the places were frankenstein and Dracula times