Dungeon Explorer: Jashin no Ryouiki Official Trailer 1
Take a look at this trailer for Dungeon Explorer: Jashin no Ryouiki for the DS from TGS 2007.
Take a look at this trailer for Dungeon Explorer: Jashin no Ryouiki for the DS from TGS 2007.
Check out this trailer for Dungeon Explorer for the PSP from TGS 2007.
Japanese RPG and puzzle-mystery games lead a wave of new releases including Wipeout Pulse for PSP, 360 Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
Hudson's old TurboGrafx dungeon crawler will make a comeback next month on current handhelds.
Hudson's old TurboGrafx dungeon crawler will make a comeback next month on current handhelds.
Samurai Warriors: Katana for Wii hits in January, followed by PSP and DS updates to Dungeon Explorer in February.
Deca Sporta dominates the Japanese publisher's display on the show floor; Omega Drive and Dungeon Explorer DS also on hand.
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