First may be better but this is still brilliant!
I will try and not compare this to the original game, but in some cases I must. Basic controls are the same, you use your hand of evil to select areas to dig, pick up creatures, slap creatures, select and use spells, build room etc. This doesn't take very long to get used to, especially with your right hand man telling you whats going on. Several creatures have been changes from the original and it is the same case with the rooms. One thing which many fans didn't like is the fact that the dungeons seem a lot smaller and it doesn't take very long to find your opponents. The horned reaper(Horny) can only be summoned in a spell and is not a creature who you can control in your dungeon. It now costs mana to cast spells and keep imps, this stops you spending gold on spells which was too easy if you had a gem supply. Levels can be quite tedious, especially since you are doing the same thing in most levels. There just aren't enough levels with enemy keepers, most are just heroes. Your creatures are now stunned when they are dropped, this is a good addition, since you could drop all your creatures on a pile of enemies in the first game and destroy them in no time. I still believe fans of the original will pick it up in to time. New players will have all the help they will need in game.
I re installed this game recently and was really surprised with how well the graphics look. It really doesnt look dated at all , which is amazing for a game released years ago. They have been updated greatly from the first game, which doesn't look good nowadays. The lighting of the dungeons is fantastic and gives your dungeon an evil atmosphere. The rooms, creatures and water all look really good, not amazing nowadays but good enough.
SOUND 10/10
Sound is amazing. Your mentor is back and he is as funny as ever, he has a sinister voice which adds a lot to the feeling of the game. Creatures huff and puff, creatures scream and cry in agony as they are tortured, they will scream in anger as they charge into battle. It's a strong point.
VALUE 10/10
You can find this game for about £4. It really is worth it and will keep you entertained for hours. There are different styles of games, skirmish, pet dungeons and multiplayer. Plenty of replay value
I give this game an 9.3. Its an underappreciated game and is almost as good as the original game. Some things could have been changed but they have still given us a highly entertaining strategy game. Recommended for all fans of the original and anyone else who owns a PC!